Dysohpia #1: Anarchism and Polamory (zine)

I’ve been blogging about zines a lot lately and before I started up on the database/bibliography posts again I wanted to make sure I wrote about Dysophia #1: Anarchism and Polyamory, which is available as a free PDF here. In a society which generally writes off and undervalues anyone failing to participate in the two-party political system and/or monogamous relationships, I’m really pleased that there are people out there working on such empowering and validating projects.

I think both anarchism and non-monogamy truly celebrate definitions and interpretations of love which are widely overlooked by mainstream society – and I’d be happy to explain this more when I don’t need to rush off to my shift at my zine library! I’m going to end this post with a quote from Dysophia #1 that I wanted to share:

Just as anarchism puts the power relations of economics under the microscope we should do the same for the relationships we have with our partners and lovers – often they are reflections of a society dominated by patriarchy and economic power which creates social norms that meets it own needs, not our own as individuals.

Be well. ❤

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